VRML Sample Page
[Miura CAD・CAM laboratory Inc.]
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- International Conference on Humans and Computers(HC-2018)
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VRML1.0 Samples
VRML1.0 Samples
- Various nodes
- VRMLの"Hello, World!": 赤い球:simpleSphere.wrl !?
- テクスチャ付きの球 texturedSphere.wrl
- テクスチャ付きの立方体 texturedCube.wrl
- テクスチャ付き円筒 texturedCylinder.wrl
- テクスチャ付き円錐 texturedCone.wrl
- 靴(斉藤君s1012023作) shoe.wrl
- ロボット(斉藤君s1012023作) robot.wrl
- 魚(足立君s1011100作) fish.wrl
- ランプシェード lamp-shade.wrl
- 22才の別れ birth.wrl
- 会津若松市 chizu.wrl
- 七日町 nanoka.wrl
- 白木屋 sirakiya.wrl
- 鶴ヶ城(福島県ハイテクプラザ, 出羽重遠氏の作品) tsuruga4.wrl
- 本文中の例
- VRMLの"Hello, World!": 赤い球:simpleSphere2.wrl
- VRMLの"Hello, World!": ア ンカー付きの赤い球:simpleSphereAnchor2.wrl
- ファイルフォーマット fileFormat0.wrl
- インスタンシング instance0.wrl
- イベント処理 event0.wrl
- プロトタイプ prototype0.wrl
- Grouping nodes
- Group Group0.wrl
- Transform Transform0.wrl
- Anchor Anchor0.wrl
- Collision Collision0.wrl
- Billboard Billboard0.wrl
- Special Groups
- Inline Inline0.wrl
- LOD LOD0.wrl
- Switch Switch0.wrl
- Common nodes
- DirectionalLight DirectionalLight0.wrl
- PointLight PointLight0.wrl
- SpotLight SpotLight0.wrl
- Shape Shape0.wrl
- AudioClip Sound0.wrl
- Sound Sound0.wrl
- Script Script0.wrl
- WorldInfo WorldInfo0.wrl
- Sensors
- ProximitySensor ProximitySensor0.wrl
- TimeSensor event0.wrl
- VisibilitySensor VisibilitySensor0.wrl
- TouchSensor event0.wrl
- CylinderSensor CylinderSensor0.wrl
- SphereSensor SphereSensor0.wrl
- PlaneSensor PlaneSensor0.wrl
- Geometry nodes
- Sphere Sphere0.wrl
- Box Box0.wrl
- Cylinder Cylinder0.wrl
- Cone Cone0.wrl
- Text Text0.wrl
- PointSet PointSet0.wrl
- IndexedLineSet IndexedLineSet0.wrl
- IndexedFaceSet IndexedFaceSet0.wrl
- Extrusion Extrusion0.wrl
- ElevationGrid ElevationGrid0.wrl
- Geometry Property nodes
- Coordinate IndexedFaceSet0.wrl
- Normal Normal0.wrl
- Color IndexedFaceSet0.wrl
- TextureCoordinate TextureCoordinate0.wrl
- Appearance nodes
- Appearance Material0.wrl, TextureTransform0.wrl
- Material Material0.wrl
- ImageTexture Sphere0.wrl, TextureCoordinate0.wrl
- PixelTexture PixelTexture0.wrl
- MovieTexture MovieTexture0.wrl
- TextureTransform TextureTransform0.wrl
- FontStyle FontStyle0.wrl
- Interpolator nodes
- ScalarInterpolator event0.wrl
- PositionInterpolator Interpolator0.wrl
- CoordinateInterpolatorevent0.wrl
- OrientationInterpolator Interpolator0.wrl
- NormalInterpolator event0.wrl
- ColorInterpolator event0.wrl
- Bindable nodes
- Viewpoint Viewpoint0.wrl
- Fog Fog0.wrl
- Background Background0.wrl
- NavigationInfo NavigationInfo0.wrl